Thursday, March 29, 2012


After my students pressured me in to reading (and one actually bringing me the book) The Hunger Games, I've been contemplating survival. Not like the kind in the book where you kill someone with a bow and arrow or by stinging them with tracker jackers. The kind of survival I've been thinking about is more of an emotional survival; how to deal.

In my favorite role, Jimmy Stewart said, "Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world Elwood, you must be"- she always called me Elwood- "In this world Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

I think that in this life you must be at least two things: faithful and resilient. Maybe it's because of the things that have gone in my life during the last few months but my perception has changed. How I view people, how I view and make my art, how I handle the unexpected. Almost every day is unknowing and instead of fighting it and being worried, I've fallen into what may happen. It's a beautiful way to be and it's the only way to "survive" in this world.

Regarding people, I've trying to make myself more personable. I've always wanted to be more like my mother who never meets a stranger and has a genuine, kind heart. I fear I'm more like my father though. That being said, I am and have been making efforts to speak to people, to know their lives, more than I usually would. You know that feeling you get when you're pumping gas or waiting in line at the grocery store and a stranger makes small talk that isn't forced? I aspire to be that random person.

Regarding art, I've really tried to stop comparing myself to other people and to stop beating myself up. This is hard to do. When I take all the pressure from the modern world (criticism, getting in to an m.f.a program, expectations from others) out of it, it simply boils down to using what God's blessed me with and doing it because I love it. The fact that he gave me something to love that uses my own two hands makes me feel very carpenter-like and nearer to how a human was intended to be. I'm by no means the best, it's a work in progress. But taking a shower at night and watching dirt and grit flow into the drain is proof that I was productive, I had something to show for the day. How many people can say that?

I judge most musicians according to their lyrics. There's nothing better than a line that resonates with you. There's a Nic Cowan song I've been obsessed with called "Reno". In it he says, "What is it that drives you to create? I said I never had the choice to make. It chose me long before I made it here, it's what I feel."

Monday, March 19, 2012

Exhiliration, Teaching, and a Trip to the Motherland

Was a beautiful weekend for porch sitting.

Sculpture inspiration

The cows think it's summer already too

Uncle Dave
If you look closely, that yellow speck is my cousin. He wanted to jump in the pond. Too soon.

A small fire created by a spark from grinding steel.

Saving Lander.

Firetrucks arrive, students evacuate the building.

My favorite, if you look closely, students jumping rope, double dutch.

I can't remember the last time I've been this busy. I started my teaching job at PTC and I really love it so far. I have a great group of students, very outgoing and bright. LU time is going by way too fast. I don't feel like I have enough time in the day and I'm literally up from sunrise until midnight most nights. I have no idea what this summer will bring but I'm looking forward to Tablerock, tomato sandwiches, beach trips, sandals, and bike rides with the beloved.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Adventures with Pacmen and Peg Legs...and a wet rag

The weekend brought adventures. After a girl's night on Friday, Sayrah, Ember, and I roadtripped to Grits and Groceries for Saturday breakfast...which turned in to lunch.

The wait inside was 25 minutes and we were ready to eat our lips off so we settled for a picnic table. We sat beside some very trucker looking men. One of them had leopard print spots tattooed on his arm. They shared out salt and pepper and said the shrimp and grits were good.

A very fine portrait of Ember.

Sayrah loved it so much she could barely keep her eyes open.

Uh oh, here's where we ran in to trouble. As it turns out, and as we should have known judging by the appearance, they only take cash or check. I never have cash because I never have money so I was going to be the dependent for the day. Thank God that Sayrah is the only adult with a big girl job who keeps cash in her purse.

But did that save us? Not really. We knew we wouldn't have enough so we talked to someone in charge. The owner apparently never turns people away and said we could drive to the atm at the next town when we were done. We sighed and decided that money was no longer and issue so we should live like rich girls. Sayrah and Ember even went all out and got tea.

As we made our way to pay,deciding who was the best sweetalker, we put our rounded up stack of fives, a couple ones, and lots of change on the table. We were about $14 short. No big deal, right? We'll just drive in to town (man, I haven't said that since I moved from Saluda) and get money. The guy at the register, some saint of a man, said, "Don't even worry about doin' that. Just send us a check. I know you'll do it. Here's our card."

The honor system. Wow. Out in the middle of nowhere, in a barn full of strangers, someone put their trust in us.

The overstuffed rooster mascot out by the road.

The tomato pie was incredible. And guess what was on the side? Chow chow. :)

The pig and rabbit best friends that were napping together beside our table.

Sarah and a Pacman on her shoulder.


The motley crew. I laughed until I cried and couldn't breathe and my stomach cramped with these 2. Sayrah's got some good stories. And Emily is girl after my own silly heart.

The restaurant. And Ember enjoying her tea, and exfoliating with a lemon.

The check is in the mail. With a very thankful note.

Friday, March 2, 2012

This is what I get for skimming

The Grammy's were on a couple of weeks ago. The two biggest highlights weren't featured on television but still deserve recognition:

My beloved Susan Tedeschi along with the rest of the Tedeschi Trucks Band won for best blues album with "Revelator" (exceptional album, exceptional concert experience).

Tony Bennett and the late Amy Winehouse won for best pop duo for their song "Body and Soul". Although her posthumous album will be a staple in my collection, the what-could-have-been music and the old Amy will be missed.

(Isn't Tony handsome? He's even more wonderful in real life.)

If you watched the Grammy's then you probably saw, apart from the ridiculousness of Nicki Minaj, Alicia Keys and Bonnie Raitt singing together. Not that I don't love Alicia, but Bonnie never needs help. She's recently covered Gerry Rafferty's, "Right down the line" and it is just heavenly. Her bluesy tones and soulful voice seem to get better with age.

So what is one reminded to do upon seeing one of their favorite artists on tv? Looks up tour dates. I tried to see her last year but it was right before her father died so she ended up cancelling. But how overjoyed was I when I saw that not only would Bonnie be coming to Charlotte but that Mavis Staples would be joining her.

I was first introduced to this wonderful lady, along with the rest of the Staple Singers, when I bought Martin Scorsese's,"The Last Waltz" documenting The Band. When she sang The Weight, I got chills. I purchased Mavis's latest album, produced by Jeff Tweedy, some time last year. You should get it, she makes religious music cool.
I marked June 12th down in the calendar and went about ordering tickets. Well, I tried to.

Due to my reading skills of a careless college student, I had skimmed the tour dates and didn't read completely that it is actually in CharlotteSVILLE, VA.

Bummer. Maybe the third time's the charm.

Annual Spring Break Lunch 'n Treats

Ben, "You know, I never have anything to say on Facebook. Some people get so in to it."

"I've been writing a blog instead."

Ben, "Oh God, I don't need to read it. I get enough in real life."