Monday, January 30, 2012

Well I never thought I'd be back here again

I visited Winthrop today to gather more information about their m.f.a program. It didn't go so well. I guess some places will always have haunting memories I'd prefer to forget. Some might say if you change your view about it, try to look at it with a fresh pair of eyes it may change your opinion. I tried to do that today, but once I hit that familiar route my stomach ached and my hands trembled. I guess my mind wanted to forget but my body could not.

As Em says, it's just research. There's more data to be obtained.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A new year

This is the third time in my life I've posted a blog. Interestingly, the previous two were from 2010 and 2011, and now 2012. It is my goal to be more commited to my blog baby. In the past I've tried to keep up with a blog, a journal, and sketchbooks so I fell short in the technology department. A pencil and a novel will always outweigh a keypad and a kindle for me. However, now that I have a handy dandy smart phone with a blogger app, I vow to be the best blogger I can be.

2012 has already proven that it will be an unexpected, surprising ride. After a series of events, much prayer, and the counsel of people I love and respect, I am no longer an M.A.T graduate student. This is a good thing. The open door is limitless. It is, at times, frightening but overall I know I am in good hands and a better plan awaits for me. It could be great.

Last year I followed a resolution and in turn wonderful things happened. The new list will hopefully hold the same power. Friends, I'll be needing your support! I wanted to add "learn how to play piano, stop watching tv, and become a vegetarian" but those are not goals I am 100% on just yet; I had dinner at Shealy's last night and the pulley bones were delicious. Everything in it's own time.