Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Fall so far...

What does one do in a graduate program? Make paper kites (out of wallpaper in my case) and run and jump like a 4 year old.

My first assignment in my MAT studio sculpture class was to make a sound suit (reference artist Nick Cave). It could be an outfit or an article of clothing that made sound when you moved (or danced, or, in my case, swept). Currently reading Mildred Pierce (James Cain, 2 thumbs up- ooh and I hear Kate Winslet is starring in the miniseries!), I was inspired to create a 40's-50's housewife's apron/dress whose sound was domesticity. The dress is to be exhibited on a screw- meaning that the female gets "screwed over" if she marries and wants to be more than a housewife (a glass ceiling perhaps?) or getting "screwed" if she doesn't marry and then faces the label of society ("oh...you work?" *insert disdainful tone*). OR you could take it literally as in the wedding night... I didn't think of that one, someone else mentioned it.

Every time I'm in sculpture and in love with the process of making, I wonder if the MAT is what I should be doing or if I should have gone the MFA route...(my confidence & competence says "no")

Hhhmm....to ponder.

Thumbs down to a really yucky day: thumbs up to a pity party with cake! (Good friends are there to indulge your sweet tooth when you're down)