Sunday, December 30, 2012

New, indeed

Well, we survived the end of 2012.  Sorry Mayans.  I'm not one for getting all hyped on or for New Year's but I feel a little different about that this year.  Maybe it's because of all the new that I'm already experiencing and expecting.  It's kind of exciting.  How's that for alliteration?

Wrapping up 2012:  The most productive, in terms of art, year of my life.  And it wasn't a drag like it got to be when I was in undergrad because there were no real rules to it.  Getting to do something that I really love for a year has been a blessing.  It's also spoiled me.  It's raised my confidence enough to apply to grad school (did I mention I did that last week??). 
In terms of personal life, it's been a year of ups and downs with relationships of all kinds.  Overall, it's probably taught me that I've got to be honest with myself at all times and that I need to accept people/things for what they are.  As Auntie always says, people do what they want to do.  As Benable says, you've got to realize what kind of relationship it is and either accept it or move on because people don't really change that much.  As a certain bald friend claims, it's easier to see the other side of things when you aren't the one going through them.  Perspective.  It's better than gold.  I'm so lucky to be surrounded by such wise, advice-giving people.  That's me being sincere.

It seems fitting that I'm ending this year with such goofy happiness.  Maybe it's because I found a church that I love attending, maybe it's because my applications for grad school are finished, maybe it's because I'm proud of myself for making smart, mature decisions this year, or maybe it's because I just downloaded an assload of songs on Itunes. 

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