Sunday, October 7, 2012

Houses you can't see from the road

Heber's family and a couple family friends take turns making Sunday lunches.  They've been doing it for several years now and my favorite place to go it to his Aunt and Uncle's home.  They live right on the outskirts of Saluda and about a half mile from Greenwood County.  They have a very long, dirt driveway that leads you past his Uncle's big shop straight to the front of their home.  I love driving up to it because it's surrounded by woods, with a creek in the back, and there is always a cat or dog lying on the porch. Like this guy:
On Friday night we went to Squealin' on the Square in Laurens for some bbq.  Heber opted for three hotdogs, ice cream, and my leftovers.  Which turned out well for him because his family cooked a ton of bbq for lunch today.  And it was terrific, probably better than what I ate at the festival.

After lunch we ventured out behind the house, into the woods.  I have always loved walking through woods, losing track of time.  I can overcome the bugs and the tall grass tickling the sides of my legs- although the gnats today were resilient little boogers and kept attacking me in the ears and eyes.  When I was a kid and we first moved to the house near my Meme's, we didn't have a lawn mower at the time.  The grass got so tall and wild that I could literally lie down in it and not be seen.  My mama has always wished the house was pushed further back so that you couldn't see it from the road.  She wanted her hiding space in the woods while I found mine in the field that was the backyard, where Queen Anne's lace tracked the fence line.  To this day I think that's the reason I adore the color, design, and texture of that plant. 

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