Monday, June 25, 2012

Beach trip 2: This time there were kids.

Even though I may have cried last week because my students act so atrocious and I hurt my throat yelling at them, I kept telling myself, "Just make it to Tuesday.  Because Wednesday won't count too much because you're leaving on Thursday.  And Monday flies by so fast so it's really just one day.  Just Tuesday.  You can do it."  And by will and mercy of God, I made it through.  I let the hullabaloo of the classroom trail behind me as I hightailed it to Myrtle Beach.
There's nothing quite like going to the beach, is there?  I remember during the summers when I was kid, one of my aunts would take me and most of my cousins to Myrtle Beach, or to Florida if we booked early.  My best friend Martha always got to go with me because I was the only one who didn't have siblings.  She was pretty much a sister/cousin/daughter/niece to everyone anyway so everyone accepted her presence.  We rented an astro and left at an ungodly hour so we could sleep the whole way there.  My aunt probably planned that to her advantage.

Mama, her Friend, her friend's two girls, Emmi Lou and MK, and I made it to the beach in good timing.  I was very apprehensive about having two kids go.  Not that I don't like kids (okay, maybe sometimes I don't...but only when they don't have manners or are brats), but I was really nervous that I was going to get stuck babysitting.  Sometimes people with kids act like people with dogs, they lose all sort of consideration for others.  For example, maybe I don't want you to bring your dog over without asking and then have it chew up the remote.  Or maybe you should fence that beast up so it won't come barrelling at me while Bailey and I are taking a neighborhood stroll. 
Maybe you shouldn't assume I'll babysit your kids so you can go spend your last $80 on a tattoo to make your soon-to-be ex-husband angry and your also-not-yet-divorced-but-staying-on-the-phone-in-the-hotel-bathroom-until-4-in-the-morning-guy find you to be an attractive, rebellious woman. 
You guessed it, I got stuck babysitting.  Good thing I'm not resentful about it, eh?
Nah, despite my annoyances with Friend, she does have two pretty great girls and I really didn't mind being with them. 
 MK, on left, who has beautiful Marsha Brady hair that she did, incidentally, brush about a hundred times a day, was having a few issues that caused her to be a little ill pill.  Not only did she have these welts on the bottom of her feet from the pool in their neighborhood, she has started to develop early stages of womanhood.  Bless her heart, she whined ("Oh my gaaawwoooddd") and was feeling terrible eighty five percent of the time.  At one point during a silly, giggly fifteen percent time, she proudly got up for a minute to model her new pink training bra.  With the exception of this newly discovered treasure, every piece of clothing she owns has a peace sign on it.  MK doesn't say words, she dances them.  It's not, "I'm about to take a shower."  It's more like looking in to the mirror saying, "I'm (hip shake)  about to take (shimmy shimmy) a shower (pop hips side to side)."  She's syllable Beyonce'.
Emme Lou, on right, still has a young, sweet innocence about her.  She's easy to get along with and ended up getting pretty attached to me after I rode the log ride with her.  (Did I mention I'm terrified of heights and any form of roller coasters??)  She makes the best expressions and has this accent that sounds a bit like Eliza Dolittle before Henry Higgins made her proper and boring.  Whenever she finds something silly that someone says, she crinkles her nose.  If you're laughing at her or making a joke at her expense, she makes this grinning expression as if she can't figure out why she's funny but she's delighted that we fools think she is.  I can't articulate enough words to express how great I think this kid is.
Mama, MK, Emmi Lou
Oh, how I love the swings! Even though once I realized we were above a roof I had to close my eyes and grip the chains.  My sweaty hands kept sliding off of them. 

MK and Emmi are the ballsiest girls I know.  MK road the giant roller coaster by herself- twice! 
Mama, I.
Have I mentioned that I have the best mother in the world?  No, really.
Whenever I was about to boil this weekend over being thrown in to babysitting and then proceeded to rather harshly tell Friend to put her phone away at dinner (because, well, we were are dinner), Mama gave me a different perspective that made me a much nicer, more humane human.  She's always doing that. 
Which makes me think, "Geez, I'm such a wretched, grudge bearing, selfish little snot."  Guess I'm more like the Y chromosome.
Mama can forgive and love anyone.  While leaving the beach we saw this lady trying to pull this older man, maybe her grandfather, up from sitting on his towel.  She was having a hard time.  So Mama put down her bag and cooler and grabbed the man under his other arm to help lift him up. 
On Sunday, after we pulled out of the hotel, we realized about ten minutes later that MK forgot her zebra pillowpet.  I was annoyed as usual but said I'd turn around so she could get it.  Teeth gritted.  Mama got out to see if it had jumped off the luggage carrier while we were coming down the elevator.  She was walking, looking down and this woman rounded a curve and ran into her.  If it had been me, I would have forced an "I'm sorry" but would have been not-so-discreetly annoyed that she didn't see me.  But Mama giggled and smiled and says, "Oh my goodness, are you okay!?" 
So I learned a lot of life lessons this weekend.  Mainly, Mama stressed how important it was for the girls to have fun that weekend.  She went through a divorce with a kid, although I was younger than MK and Emmi Lou and don't remember it.  She kept saying that even though Friend was acting kind of erratic, she didn't want that to take away from the girls having a good time and didn't think it was fair for them to be unhappy because they were so aware of their parents issues.  Which is overall good parenting advice to married or divorced people, I think. 
Mama has a soft spot for kids, especially ones with any sort of broken home situation.  She's loving, silly, and joyful: the kind of person that kids like to be around.
So we took the girls under our wings and had a good time and ate too much junk food.
Mama and Emmi Lou
Later when we got home, Mama thanked me for spending  time with the girls and for not "going off" on Friend.  (She knows how blunt I can get.)  She was thanking me?  It was one of the best compliments I've ever received because it came from her.  And the fact that someone like her might think highly of me is just golden. 

I could go on but I know there will be more moments like this in the future to tell you about.

Some other interesting things that we saw:
A big group of church people getting baptized.  The Coen brothers weren't directing it which explains the ocean and tie-dye shirts instead of a pond and white gowns.
Emmi Lou got an electric toothbrush and took it EVERYWHERE.  Obviously.  She used it about six times a day and made a public announcement about it when she headed to the bathroom.  I even caught her "brushing" the model's teeth on the cover of a magazine.
This ginger made our door shut because it got stuck.  I think he was about 14 and was the strangest mix of confident and awkward.
And lastly, some puppets.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Traveling Mercies

Again and again I tell God I need help, and God says, "Well, isn't that fabulous? Because I need help too. So you go get that old woman over there some water, and I'll figure out what we're going to do about your stuff.
-- Anne Lamott

I like this lady.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Roadtrip to GA & pictures of May

Mama and I roadtripped to Washington, Georgia this weekend.  We were told it was a picturesque little town that had a mountain feel to it.  It turned out to be a Georgian Abbeville.  There was a square, a pretty cool hotel in the square, some antique shops, and a small art gallery with an overzealous owner who gave us four pamplets as we scurried out the door.

Oh, there was also this taxidermy place.  This picture shows as far I walked in to the shop.  It really freaked me out. 
We were disappointed about Washington so we drove to Athens.  We did more driving than anything but it was good because of all the talking.  And all the listening to Waylon and Willie.

May spent the night with her G'Li.  She's saying words (bird, dada, toodles...) and pats your back when she hugs you.

Monday, June 11, 2012

First day teaching summer camp art

...reminding me why I didn't want to teach people under the age of 17...

Pray for me!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

April-June sculptures

Ben Embroidery on a teabag

Papa Mow Chow Embroidery on a tshirt, on top of chow chow

I'd like to continue this series of association of people and things.  Tangible connections.

Untitled, porcelain, string, metal

I bet we could Steel, string 

 As of yet, untitled and unfinished.  Steel, wood, fabric.


Summer birds and books

Got up, had coffee on the patio, and did some discovering in the backyard.  
I've been itching for a new place.  So this morning I thought it'd be a good idea to reconsider my home and rediscover the things I love and appreciate about it. 
Eggs in the real fern.
I love this little shed.  It's so charming and captures the aesthetic of the whole home and yard.
We've got baby birds in the fake fern again this year.
Side note pertaining to nature: We saw a king snake last night while walking Bailey.  Heebie jeebies!

New goal for the summer: read a book a week.  I've started the stack of books on my bedside table on and off all year.  Now that I've got the time, I want to complete all of these plus some:
Sex God, Rob Bell
Love Wins, Rob Bell
Jesus Wants to Save Christians, Rob Bell
Traveling Mercies, Anne Lamott
Daybook, Anne Truitt
Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh
On the Road, Jack Kerouac
Why be Happy When You Could be Normal, Jeanette Winterson

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bean burgers are for the birds



Hi.  It's been awhile.  Time has been moving along rapidly but I've finally reached a standstill.  If not for a moment, anyway.
Here are some things you missed:

Sayrah and I visited the Catfish Festival.  You know the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do?" Well, when in Ware Shoals, do not do as the Ware Shoalians do.  We skipped the catfish and fled after finding the the homespun ice cream was, indeed, too close to home when it was made.

Unfortunately I lost the great picture of the what-would-have-been fountain in the center of the festival with millions of tadpoles (and probably some crawdads) living there. 
I'm usually down for anything, and I love a good festival.  But I must admit, I won't be returning to any one with catfish in the title.

I haven't had to do much traveling to and fro lately.  Update on Papa: He is still in the rehab hospital and my grandma has been staying at an assisted living place near their home.  He will go home in about a week and my sister has decided to basically give up her life to take care of them.  Unselfish? Yes.  Was I involved in this decision? No. The right thing to do? Maybe. Maybe not.  Sigh.  Time will tell.  Let's just pray for the best, and for honesty and faith in others.

The first day on the lake:

Everyone made fun of how often CB and I lathered on the sunscreen.  Notice my over protection?  Yes, I'm wearing at least a 30 or 45 (but you could probably tell from the picture, right?).  It's funny, I wear minimal make-up, I prefer hair that I don't have to do anything with but shampoo, I'm pretty low-maintenance (okay, maybe not when it comes to dresses or shoes).  But isn't it funny how ridiculously cautious I am when it comes to my skin?  Sunscreen every day, always sunglasses, a hat when I'm outside, moisturize every night.  Mama teases me relentlessly about being powder.  The truth is I'm not conceited. Both of my grandmothers had skin cancer.  One was a major tanner.  (One of my favorite stories is of her tanning topless with a foil visor around her face and Preacher Johnny unexpectedly driving up).  I'm trying to eliminate any possibility that I might also get it.  And of course it won't hurt to (hopefully) look 30 when I'm 50.  But I think I've got pretty good genes in that department. 

Speaking of genes, Mama found out she has celiac disease.  So what am I trying to do?  Start a gluten free diet.  The first thing I've noticed about anything gluten free is that it's almost twice the price of any regular item.  That seems so telling of the world that we live in, the things that are natural, that are better for you, are double the cost compared to over processed crap.  I'll be able to keep up the diet if I get another job. 

 (Not naked) CB.
Peaks of the Weeks:
We're getting a new preacher in 3 weeks.  The current preacher won't be leaving on good terms, but he will be leaving.  And I'm stoked.

The mane is getting cut on Thursday.  I have missed you, short hair, and I eagerly await our reunion.

Finished a few new to come.

My spine is behaving well, according to the chiropractor. 

Keep your fingers crossed that I get this second part-time job I've applied for.

The next few weekends are booked with exciting things. I'll keep you posted.