Sunday, October 13, 2013

Midterms already?

Midterms crept upon us art kids this past week.  The second year MFAs always talk about these things as if we should bring a paper bag with us when it's our turn.  They all get very stressed and panic striken.  Thankfully, the four of us in the incoming cohort are all laidback, probably to a fault, and don't get too worried about anything. 
The setup for midterm reviews goes:  Set up work in the small gallery by our studios, nothing has to be finished since it's work in progress.  Each person gets 30 minutes to present and get feedback from the graduate faculty.  Other grads can sit in and it's nice that they do because we take notes for each other.  The faculty says a lot so it's easy to forget it all.  I recorded mine.  It's weird to hear your own voice though so I haven't really listened to it.
I haven't been too nervous about these things because I'm new and if I don't do well, well, I'm new.  However, my review went very well.  Whew!  I got a lot of good feedback including statements that what I was doing was rich in content, continue to do what I'm doing and going with my gut, being open is working for me, and that recording what I'm doing and using it as performance is gold.
Here's a sneak peek at what I'm working on:
This is my old baby blanket.  What you see are pine needles woven in the worn out holes.  In my artist statement I talk about how my concept is revealing what's broken and seeking to mend it.  I'll reveal more later, once it's finished.
This is a clay mold of a future project in which I hope to use raw meat.  Apparently Clemson has a place where they do butchering, I assume for an undergrad program.  I'm going to make a time to go by and see what goes on there.  I've been researching slaughterhouses and meat production for this.  Needless to say, I'm off the beef right now.
Here are a few pictures of some of the other grad's midterm work.
Ayako's (my studiomate).

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